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Walk home in a sentence

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Sentence count:39+3Posted:2018-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: khomeinigo back homekolkhozayatollah khomeinihome away from homea home from homehome from homewalk
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31, At some point on the walk home I had "fucking gorgeous" screamed at me by a carful of drunk?
32, Has this cruelly treated girl been able to walk home?
33, It is cold, rain, and, to crown it all, we have to walk home.
34, When her friends were picked up by their parents after school ended late at night, she would solitarily walk home, talking to stars and praying to her mother.
35, It's still light out when I walk home from the Metro.
36, One or two nights she found herself too tired to walk home , and expended car fare.
37, A memory: an elderly Chinese woman selling slip-on shoes on Canal Street to the crush of New Yorkers who had to walk home in their office shoes across the bridge.
38, On the walk home, I named them Uno, Bruno, and Devo.
39, The merchant had to leave the horse where it was, and unbuckle the duffel bag, load it onto his shoulder, and walk home on foot, not arriving there until very late that night.
More similar words: khomeinigo back homekolkhozayatollah khomeinihome away from homea home from homehome from homewalkcome home to roostwalkie-talkiewalk outwalk offwalkerwalkoutwalkwaywalk upwalk-inwalk-onwalk inwalk-uptill the cows come homeskywalkwalkmanwalkawaywalk awaywalkingwalk downcatwalkjaywalkcome home
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